Q – I like that the Library is a nice quiet place, but I need to make a quick phone call. Where can I do that?
A – We have three spots for phone calls, one on each floor:
-Main Floor – front door entranceway
-Upper Level – elevator lobby
-Lower Level – Ryder’s Garden lobby (through the double doors in the Gallery)
Note that your conversation can still be heard elsewhere, so please keep your voice down and do not use the phone’s speaker.
Q – Can I make a call when I’m in the Children’s Room with my kids?
A – You can take or make a call in the Children’s Room elevator lobby, but you cannot leave your children unattended. Please do not put the call on speaker.
Q – What about the landing at the top of the ramp? I can keep my eye on the children while I’m on the phone.
A – No. The top of the ramp is the perfect acoustical location for your conversation to be heard throughout the Adult Library.
Q -What about stairwells? I’m not near anybody.
A – Stairwells calls can be heard on every floor. In addition, stairwells are fire exits and need to be kept clear for quick passage.
Q – I need to do an online meeting on my laptop. Where can I go?
A – The ideal place is either the Tutor Room or the Conference Room in the Technology Commons. Both can be reserved at least 12 hours or more in advance. We have a deliberately vague “no hogging” rule, but generally any reservation request under three hours will be approved. The rooms have their own FAQ if you want to learn more. Note that if a room isn’t reserved and no one is in it, you are welcome to use it.
Q – If the rooms are busy, is there anywhere else I can go to do an online meeting?
A – Yes, you can go to the elevator lobby on the Upper Level or the raised area of the Lower Level. Please talk quietly and use headphones. Two dollar headphones are available at the Checkout Desk on the main floor. If you don’t have cash in hand, we’ll work something out.
Q – I’m only watching a training video, do I have to go to one of those places?
A – No, so long as you only watching and you use headphones, you can do that anywhere.
Q – I’m a notoriously quiet talker, why can’t I do things anywhere since I’m so quiet?
A – Loud talkers will see you talking quietly and think it’s okay for them to make a call. Also, you might not be as quiet as you think.
Q – What about outside? Can I go outside?
A – Sure, the key is not disturbing other patrons. The front of the Library has the best outdoor wifi. Thanks to the Friends of the Larchmont Public Library, we have a wireless access point specifically for that area.