Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting – November 12, 2014
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on November 12, 2014 at 6:45 p.m., attended by Board Chair Pamela Dubitsky (PD), Trustees Jennifer Conley (JC), Lauren Gottfried (LG), Maureen LeBlanc (ML), Barbara Liptack (BL), John McGarr (JM), and Iven Taub (IT), Village of Larchmont Liaison Marlene Kolbert, Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Abby Katz (AK), Friends of the Library Liaison Wendy Raso (WR) and Library Director Laura Eckley (LE).
Board Chair PD called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m.
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meeting of October 8, 2014.
Friends of the Larchmont Public Library Liaison Report
WR reported there were over 50 entries in the Annual Scarecrow Fest, some of which were very creative. The Friends are reviewing and updating the rules for next year. WR also reported that upcoming programs include a program on new American puppetry and a presentation by photographer Tapani Talo, whose work will be on display in the Oresman Gallery in December.
Committee Reports
Finance and Budget Committee
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report. The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills dated 11/5/14 and 11/12/14. The Board received the Performance Report dated 11/5/14.
Operating Budget FY15/16. The Finance Committee reported that a draft of the FY15/16 budget had been prepared and that a preliminary meeting with VOL and TOM would be scheduled to review the budget.
Buildings and Grounds
Transformation. PD reported that the architectural firm, Lothrop Associates, had completed the Design Development phase and a preliminary review with PD and LE is scheduled later in the week. PD also reported that Calgi Construction Management had completed an independent cost estimate of the Transformation Project and will meet next week with PD, LE and Jim Lothrop to review.
PD reported that the Transformation Committee’s Open House on October 26th was a success with over 200 residents stopping by to tour the Library and view the architect’s renderings. PD also reported that the Transformation Fundraising Committee’s flyer was mailed to all 10538 residents following the Open House.
Director’s Report
LE reported the following: The Community Read of “I am Malala” was a success with over 1,000 residents attending over 20 programs throughout the month of October; the Larchmont Historical Society is planning a celebration for the 125th anniversary of the Village of Larchmont (June Hesler will represent the Library on the committee and already has several programs planned); Larchmont Police Department conducted Active Shooter Response Training in the Library on 11/10 during which time the Library was closed to both staff and public, thereby completing the steps identified by the Board in 2013 to upgrade public safety at the Library; and the Library Staff’s Annual Holiday Gift Guide has been completed and is available both in print and on the Library’s website.
Executive Session
The Board voted unanimously to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal matters at 8:05p.m. The Board voted unanimously to exit the Executive Session at 8:15p.m.
Board Chair Dubitsky adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be held on December 10, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Eckley, Library Director