Q – Can the Library help me get books for my book group?
A- We sure can! If there are enough available copies of a book, we can get them and put them on our Book Group Shelf for pickup.
Q – Sounds good. How do I get started?
A – First pick a name for your group. Then contact the Reference Desk, larchmontlibrary@larchmontlibrary.org, 914-834-2281 x. 3, and we’ll get you set up.
Q – A name? What do you need a name for?
A – We make a library card in your group’s name which is used to get the books. Once they arrive, the books are put on the Book Group Shelf above your group’s name.
Q – Are there any limitations on the books you can get?
A – Yes. The key word is “available.” If there are a lot of holds on a book, your group will have to wait its turn. If we can’t give a good estimate as to when sufficient copies will be available, we’ll ask you to choose another title. That means current best sellers are off limits. Also, since we are borrowing copies from other libraries, we ask that groups be cautious in their requests, particularly when they are asking for 8 or more copies.
Q – We’re reading War and Peace. How long can we have it?
A – We try to have the book available three weeks before your meeting date. If your group is speed readers, then it should be a problem.
Q – We can’t figure out what to read next. Can you help?
A – Call the Reference Desk. The librarian will be glad to help you.
Q – I’m curious about what other groups have read. Is there any way to find that out?
A – Our Book Group Selections page has all the books we’ve gotten since 2002. It’s organized chronologically or by Author.