During the current situation we’ve not been assessing fines because, well, we all have enough to deal with. No more! Starting Monday, September 13, we are going to start imposing fines for overdue items again. If you have something that is overdue, it would be wise to return it before then. We suggest that you review your account via the online catalog to make sure there aren’t any unaccounted for items checked out to you. Remember, your PIN is most likely the last four digits of your phone number. If you aren’t comfortable doing this yourself, call the Information Desk (914-834-2281 x.3) and a Reference Librarian will be glad to help you.
Fines are always a ticklish business. Anyone who has spent time at the Circulation Desk can tell you they are among the greatest sources of friction between the Library and its patrons. On the other hand, they do encourage the prompt return of items so other patrons can enjoy them. Also, fines are a not insignificant source of income in these budget-tightening times.