If you’re taking part in Sheldrake Environmental Center‘s second annual Backyard Bioblitz, get in the mood by checking out one (or more) of the wildlife guides on display in the Reading Room on the Main Floor. The display has books for all ages. A sampling is at the end of this post. If you aren’t taking part, you might reconsider. So what is a Bioblitz exactly?The aim of a Bioblitz is to create a snapshot of a community’s biodiversity at a particular time. In this case it’s Westchester County and from Sunday, July 25 through Saturday, July 31. Teams of residents of all ages go out into the community and record all the wildlife they see. Then they upload their discoveries to the iNaturalist app. Last year’s Bioblitz found organisms ranging from the humble Dog Vomit Slime Mold to a bear. You can learn more and register at Sheldrake’s Backyard Bioblitz page.