Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
October 12, 2022
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on October 12, 2022, attended by Library Board Chair Lauren Gottfried (LG), Library Board Trustees Barbara Liptack (BL), Galit Lopatin Bordereau (GLB), John McGarr (JM) and Linnet Tse (LT), Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Sabrina Fiddelman, Friends of Library President Melisa Prevost (MP), Library Director Laura Eckley (LE), Head of Reference Liam Hegarty (LH) and Library Staff Assistant Janet Regan (JR). Library Board Trustees Barbara Flickinger (BF) and Celeste Sharpe (CS), and Village of Larchmont Liaison Dana Post (DP), were absent.
Board Chair Lauren Gottfried called the meeting to order at 6:50pm.
The Board unanimously approved the minutes for the 9/14/22 Library Board Meeting.
MP reported that the FOL’s eMedia campaign over the summer resulted in $14,000 which will be transferred to the Library shortly. MP further reported on upcoming exciting fall 2022 FOL programs and the return of the Spelling Bee in 2023. LG thanked the FOL for their hard work and dedication to the Library.
Committee Reports
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board unanimously approved the schedule of bills dated 10/12/22 and the additional list of bills dated 10/12/22.
Building and Grounds
LE reported on building repairs related to the sewer line, fire alarm and exterior lighting. Following discussion the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library hereby approves the following proposals to be paid from the Library’s Capital Fund for Building Maintenance: 1) Assa Abloy to replace the Children’s Room automatic door opener in the amount of $4,888.50 2) Atlantic Westchester to replace the motor to the Children’s Room rooftop unit in the amount of $2,853.82 and 3) Citron Plumbing for repairs to the Library’s sewer line in the amount of $3,800.
Director’s Report
On the recommendation of LE the Library Board unanimously approved the hire of Caroline Cunningham as a Full Time Librarian effective 10/28/22 at an annual rate of $65,498 and Emma Dopsch as a Part Time Library Clerk effective 10/17/22 with an hourly rate of $16 an hour. Also on the recommendation of LE the Library Board unanimously approved the 2022 list of equipment to be discarded. LE reported on recent programs at the Library including elementary school visits to the Children’s Room, a Banned Book Essay Contest for adults and teens, and the Library’s pop up Library Card Registration program at Larchmont Day.
Additional Items
Following discussion the Board voted unanimously to approve a Library Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedure, the 2023 Service Level Agreement for services provided by the Westchester Library System and a request to film in the Library for 3 hours by Mamaroneck High School Students who are participating in a national film festival.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.
The next scheduled Board Meeting will be held on November 16, 2022 at 6:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Eckley
Library Director