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Book Group Choices by Author January 2017 to current

Updated May 3, 2013
We have also arranged the Book Group Choices chronologically, January 2017 to current and 2002 to 2016
Each image of a star indicates how many bookgroups have
selected the title since 2002, as we have carried over the stars from earlier
author lists (see below). No image of a stars means the book has only been selected once. Non-fiction titles are in Bold. Children’s titles have a juv after the title and Young Adult titles have a YA .

Old Book Group Selections

2002–2016 (author) 2002–2016 (date)

A – C D – F G – I J – L M – O P – R S – U V – Z

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Author Title
A through C
Aboulela, Leila Lyrics Alley
Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart YA
Adiga, Aravind Last Man In Towerstar
Adiga, Aravind The White Tigerimage of a starimage of a star
Alexander, Caroline Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition
Alvarez, Julia In the Time Of Butterfliesimage of a starimage of a star
Anderson, Laurie Halse Wintergirls YA
Anderson, M.T. Feed YA
Anton, Maggie Rashi’s Daughter, Book II. Miriam
Asch, Frank Mr. Maxwell’s Mouse juv
Asher, Jay Thirteen Reasons Why YA image of a star
Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility
So Long a Letter
Babbitt, Natalie Tuck Everlasting
Banks, Russell Continental Drift
Banks, Russell The Darling
Banks, Russell Lost Memory Of Skin
Barbery, Muriel Elegance Of the Hedgehogimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Bard, Elizabeth Lunch in Paris
Barnes, Julian Nothing to be Frightened Of
Barnes, Julian The Sense of an Endingimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Behrman, S.N. Duveen
Bennett, Alan Uncommon Readerimage of a star
Blackwood, Gary The Shakespeare Stealer juv
Blake, Sarah Postmistressimage of a star
Boling, Dave Guernica
Boyce, Frank Cottrell Framed juv
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451image of a star
Brooks, Geraldine Caleb’s Crossingimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Brooks, Geraldine People Of the Bookimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Brooks, Geraldine Year of Wondersimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Buchan, John The Thirty-nine Stepsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Buckley, Christopher Losing Mum and Pup
Buyea, Rob Because of Mr. Terupt juv image of a star
Calvino, Italo If On a WInter’s Night a Travelerimage of a star
Carter, Betsy Puzzle King
Castellucci, Cecil First Day On Earth YA
Catchpool, Michael The Cloud Spinner juv
Chang, Jung Wild Swansimage of a star
Christie, Agatha Murder On the Orient Expressimage of a star
Condie, Ally Matched YA
Conroy, Pat My Reading Life
Conway, Jill Road From Coorain
Cormier, Robert I Am the Cheese YA
Cowley, Joy Snake and Lizard juv
Cox, Jody The Secret Chicken Society juv
Creech, Sharon Granny Torrelli Makes Soup juv
Cunningham, Michael The Hoursimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
D through F Back to top
Dallas, Sandra Prayers For Sale
Danticat, Edwidge Brother, I’m Dying
Davies, Robertson Fifth Business
Dawkins, Richard The Selfish Gene
Dean, Debra Madonnas Of Leningrad
De Waal, Edmund The Hare With Amber Eyes
Diamant, Anita The Red Tent
Diamond, Jared Guns, Germs and Steel
Dickens, Charles A Tale Of Two Cities
Diffenbaugh, Vanessa The Language of Flowersimage of a starimage of a star
Doig, Ivan The Bartenders Tale
Doig, Ivan The Whistling Seasonimage of a starimage of a star
Donoghue, Emma Roomimage of a starimage of a star
Du Maurier, Daphne Rebeccaimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Edgarian, Carol Three Stages of Amazement
Egan, Jennifer A Visit From the Goon Squadimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Eggers, Dave Zeitounimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Eire, Carlos M.N. Waiting For Snow in Havanaimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Eliot, George The Mill On the Flossimage of a star
Ellroy, James The Black Dahliaimage of a star
Ephron, Nora I Feel Bad About My Neck
Eugenides, Jeffrey The Marriage Plot
Faulkner, William The Sound and the Fury
Ferber, Edna Show Boat
Fergus, Jim One Thousand White Womenimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovaryimage of a star
Fleischman, Sid Bandit’s Moon juv
Finney, Jack Time and Again YA image of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Ford, Jamie Hotel On the Corner Of Bitter and Sweet
Ford, Richard Canada
Frederick, Heather Vogel The Mother Daughter Book Club juv
G through I Back to top
García Márquez, Gabriel A Hundred Years of Solitudeimage of a starimage of a star
Gardam, Jane Crusoe’s Daughter
George, Jean Craighead There’s An Owl in the Shower juv
Giff, Patricia Reilly Maggie’s Door juv
Giff, Patricia Reilly Pictures Of Hollis Woods juv
Giff, Patricia Reilly Storyteller juv
Gogol, Nikolai Dead Soulsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Goldman, Judy Early Leaving
Goolrick, Robert A Reliable Wifeimage of a starimage of a star
Gowda, Shilpi Somaya Secret Daughter
Grady, James Six Days of the Condor
Grant, Michael Gone YA
Green John Will Grayson, Will Grayson YA
Greene, Melissa Fay Temple Bombingimage of a star
Griffiths, Andy The Cat On the Mat is Flat juv
Grossman, David To the End Of the Landimage of a starimage of a star
Grossman, David The Yellow Wind
Grunwald, Lisa Irresistible Henry Houseimage of a star
Gutman, Dan Miss Child Has Gone Wild! juv image of a star
Haigh, Jennifer Faithimage of a star
Halldór, Laxness Independent People
Hamid, Mohsin The Reluctant Fundamentalistimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hamilton, Gabrielle Blood, Bones, and Butter
Hamilton, Patrick Angel Street
Hammett, Dashiell The Maltese Falconimage of a star
Hannah, Kristin Magic Hour
Harbach, Chad The Art of Fieldingimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hardy, Thomas Mayor Of Casterbridgeimage of a star
Hegi, Ursula Children and Fire
Heiligman, Deborah Charles and Emma: the Darwins’ Leap Of Faith
Heller, Zoe What Was She Thinking?: Notes On a Scandalimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hellman, Lillian Children’s Hour
Helprin, Mark Winter’s Tale
Hemingway, Ernest A Farewell to Armsimage of a star
Hemingway, Ernest A Moveable Feastimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hemingway, Ernest The Snows of Kilimanjaro, and Other Stories
Hemingway, Ernest The Sun Also Risesimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hemingway, Ernest To Have and to Have Not
Hiaasen, Carl Scat juv
Hillenbrand, Laura Unbrokenimage of a star
Hilton, James Lost Horizon
Hilton, James Random Harvest
Hobbs, Will Crossing the Wire juv
Hoffman, Alice Red Garden
Hoffman, Beth Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
Holub, Joan Who Was Jim Henson? juv
Hornby, Nick Fever Pitch
Hustvedt, Siri The SUmmer Without Men
Irving, John In One Person
Ishiguro, Kazuo Never Let Me Goimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Ishiguro, Kazuo The Remains Of the Day
J through L Back to top
James, Henry Turn Of the Screw
James, P.D. Death Comes to Pemberleyimage of a star
Jones, Lloyd Mister Pip
Jordan, Hillary Mudboundimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Joyce, James Dublinersimage of a star
Joyce, James A Portrait Of the Artist As a Young Manimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Kennedy, Douglas The Moment
Kenison, Katrina Magical Journey
Kingsolver, Barbara Lacunaimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Knebel, Flethcer Seven Days in May
Krakauer, John Under the Banner Of Heavenimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Krauss, Micole Great House
Kurlansky, Mark Salt: a World History
Lagnado, Lucette The Arrogant Yearsimage of a star
Lai, Thanhha Inside Out and Back Again juv
Larson, Eric In the Garden Of Beastsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Law, Ingrid Savvy juv
Lawrence, Jerome Inherit the Wind
Leavitt, Caroline Pictures Of You
Lee, Chang-rae The Surrendered
L’engle, Madeleine Wrinkel In Time juv
Leroy, Margaret Soldier’s Wife
Lewis, Michael Liar’s Poker
Lewycka, Marina A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainianimage of a star
Lightman, Alan P. Mr g
Lively, Penelope Family Album
Lore, Pittacus I Am Number 4 YA
M through O Back to top
MacLean, Alistair Guns Of Navarone
Malamud, Bernard The Natural
Mallon, Thomas Henry and Clara
Manchester, William A World Lit Only by Fire
Mandanipour, Shahriar Censoring an Iranian Love Story
Mankell, Henning Shadow Girls
Mantel, Hilary Wolf Hallimage of a star
Martel, Yann Life Of Piimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs Snowflake Bentley juv image of a star
Massie, Robert Catherine the Great
Maugham, W. Somerset The Painted Veilimage of a star
Maynard, Joyce Good Daughtersimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
McCall Smith, Alexander Tears Of the Giraffe
McCann, Colum Let the Great World Spinimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
McCarthy, Cormac The Roadimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
McCarthy, Mary The Groupimage of a starimage of a star
McCullough, David The Great Bridge
McHenry, Jael The Kitchen Daughter
McInerney, Jay The Good Life
McLain, Paula The Paris Wifeimage of a starimage of a star
McNeal, Tom To Be Sung Underwater
Mills, Lauren The Rag Coat juv
Mirvis, Tova Ladies Auxilary
Moehringer, J.R. Tender Barimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Moore, Alan Watchman
Moore, Liz Heft
Moore, Wes The Other Wes Moore
Morgenstern, Erin The Night Circus
Morpurgo, Michael An Elephant in the Garden juv
Morpurgo, Michael War Horse juv
Morrison, Toni Home
Morrison, Toni Love
Mueenuddin, Daniyal In Other Rooms Other Wondersimage of a star
Naslund, Sena Jeter Ahab’s Wife, or, the Star-gazer: a novelimage of a star
Némirovsky, Irène Suite Francaiseimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Norris, Elizabeth Unraveling YA
Nothomb, Amélie Fear and Trembling
Oates, Joyce Carol The Falls
Oates, Joyce Carol Mudwoman
Obrecht, Téa The Tiger’s Wifeimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Odets, Clifford The Country Girl
Oliveira, Robin My Name is Mary Sutter
Oliver, Lauren Before I Fall YA image of a starimage of a star
Oliver, Lauren Delirium YA
Otsuka, Julie The Buddha in the Atticimage of a star
P through R Back to top
Pamuk, Orhan My Name Is Redimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Pamuk, Orhan Snowimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Park, Barbara Skinnybones juv
Park, Linda Sue A Long Walk to Water juv
Patchett, Ann Bel Cantoimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Patchett, Ann Patron Saint Of Liarsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Patchett, Ann Runimage of a star
Patchett, Ann State Of Wonderimage of a starimage of a star
Patchett, Ann Truth & Beauty: A Friendshipimage of a star
Patel, Eboo Acts Of Faith
Pearl, Matthew The Dante Club
Pears, Iain Stone’s Fall
Pennypacker, Sara Clementine juv
Perkins-Valdez, Dolen Wench
Petterson, Per Out Stealing Horsesimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Picoult, Jodi House Rulesimage of a star
Pinkwater, Daniel Mrs. Noodlekugel juv
Polities, Taylor M. The Rebel Wife
Rattigan, Terence Separate Tables
Rayner, Richard Cloud Sketcher
Reichl, Ruth Tender at the Boneimage of a star
Remarque, Erich Maria All Quiet On the Western Front
Revoyr, Nina Age Of Dreaming
Richards, Keith Lifeimage of a star
Ridley, Matt The Rational Optimist
Robinson, Marilynne Gilead
Rodriguez, Deborah A Cup Of Friendship
Roth, Veronica Divergent YA image of a star
Rowley, Hazel Franklin and Eleanor
Rowling, J.K. Casual Vacancy
Rushdie, Salman Satanic Verses
Russell, Karen Swamplandia!image of a star
Russo, Richard Empire Fallsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
S through U Back to top
Salamon, Julie Wendy and the Lost Boys
Saunders, George Pastoralia
Schiff, Stacy Cleopatra: a Lifeimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Schwalbe, Will The End of Your Life Book Club
Schwartz, Lynne Sharon Disturbances in the Fieldimage of a star
Sebald, Winfried Georg The Emigrantsimage of a star
See, Lisa Dreams Of Joy
See, Lisa Shanghai Girlsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Semple, Maria Where’d You Go, Bernadette
Sendker, Jan-Phillipp The Art Of Hearing Heartbeats
Shenk, Joshua Lincoln’s Melancholy
Shepard, Sadia Girl From Foreign
Shriver, Lionel We Nedd to Talk About Kevinimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Shteyngart, Gary Super Sad True Love Story
Sin, Kyong-suk Please Look After Momimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Singer, Isaac Bashevis Enemies, a Love Story
Singer, Isaac Bashevis The Family Moskat
Sittenfeld, Curtis Prepimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Skloot, Rebecca Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacksimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Smith, Betty A Tree Grows in Brooklynimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Smith, Dodie I Capture the Castle YA
Smith, Roland Peak YA
Solomons, Natasha Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English
Spiegelman, Art Maus: a Survivor’s Tale
Spiegelman, Art Maus II: a Survivor’s Tale: and Here My Troubles Began
Stead, Rebecca When Your Reach Me juv image of a star
Stegner, Wallace Angle Of Reposeimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash
Steptoe, John Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale juv
Strayed, Cheryl Wildimage of a star
Strout, Elizabeth Olive Kitteridgeimage of a star
Suberman, Stella Jew Store
Sullivan, J. Courtney Maineimage of a star
Swanson, James Chasing Lincoln’s Killer juv image of a star
Sweet, Melissa Balloons Over Broadway juv
Tanner, Haley Vaclav and Lena
Taylor, Peter Summons to Memphis
Telgemeir, Raina Smile juv
Thompson, Jean The Year We Left Home
Tóibín, Colm Brooklynimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Tomasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe The Leopard
Torres, Justin We the Animals
Towles, Amor Rules Of Civilityimage of a starimage of a star
Toynton, Evelyn The Oriental Wife
Traver, Robert Anatomy Of a Murder
Trevor, William Two Lives
Trollope, Anthony The Wardenimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Tropper, Jonathan This is Where I Leave Youimage of a star
Twain, Mark The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnimage of a star
Twain, Mark The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Umrigar, Thirty The Space Between Usimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
V through Z Back to top
Vande Velde, Vivian 8 Class Pets + One Squirrel [divided by] One Dog = Chaos juv
Verghese, Abraham Cutting For Stoneimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Vizzini, Ned Be More Chill YA image of a star
Vonnegut, Kurt Galapagos
Vonnegut, Kurt Slaughterhouse-fiveimage of a star
Waldman, Amy The Submission
Walter, Jess Beautiful Ruins
Ward, Jesmyn Salvage the Bonesimage of a star
Watson, S.J. Before I Go to Sleepimage of a star
Welty, Eudora The Optimists Daughterimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Wharton, Edith House of Mirthimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Wiggins, Marianne Evidence of Things Unseenimage of a star
Wiles, Deborah Countdown juv
Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth Of Other Sunsimage of a star
Wolfe, Thomas Look Homeward Angel
Wolitzer, Meg The Wifeimage of a star
Woolf, Virginia Mrs. Dallowayimage of a starimage of a star
Yang, Gene Luen American Born Chinese YA image of a star
Zafón, Carlos Ruiz The Shadow Of the Wind
Zusak, Markus The Book Thief YA image of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star

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