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Book Group Selections

Book Group Choices by Author – January 2019 to date

Updated March 3rd, 2025

We have also arranged the Book Group Choices chronologically, January 2019-February 2025 by date Each image of a starindicates how many book groups have selected the title since 2002, as we have carried over the stars from earlier author lists (see below). No image of a stars means the book has only been selected once. Non-fiction titles have a NF after the title. Children’s titles have a juv after the title and Young Adult titles have a YA .

Old Book Group Selections

2002–2018 (author)

A – C D – F G – I J – L M – O P – R S – U V – Z



Author Title
A through C
Abagnale, Frank Catch Me If You Can NF
Abe, Shana The Second Mrs. Astor
Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apartimage of a star
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Purple Hibiscusimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Adler, Tamar Something Old, Something New NF
Alam, Rumaan Leave the World Behindimage of a star
Albee, Edward Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Albom, Mitch The Five People You Meet in Heavenimage of a starimage of a star
Albright, Madeline Hell and Other Destinations NF
Alderman, Naomi The Powerimage of a star
Alexander, Robert The Kitchen Boy
Alger, Cristina The Banker’s Wife
Allende, Isabel A Long Petal of the Seaimage of a star
Applegate, Katherine Wishtree
Arundhati, Roy The God of Small Things
Ashcraft, Tami Oldham Red Sky in Mourning NF
Attenberg, Jami All Grown Up
Atwood, Margaret Alias Graceimage of a star
Audrain, Ashley The Push
Bacigalupi, Paolo The Water Knife
Backman, Fredrik Anxious People
Backman, Fredrik Beartownimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Backman, Fredrik A Man Called Oveimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Bailey, Anthony The Coast of Summer NF
Bakewell, Sarah Humanly Possible NF
Baldwin, James Giovanni’s Roomimage of a star
Baldwin, James Go Tell It on the Mountain
Banks, Russell Continental Driftimage of a star
Banville, John Snow
Barker, Pat The Silence of the Girls
Barry, Kevin Night Boat to Tangier
Bass, Gary Jonathan Judgement at Tokyo: World War II on Trial NF
Bauermeister, Erica No Two Persons
Beanland, Rachel Florence Adler Swims Forever
Beatty, Paul The Sellout
Benedict, Marie Carnegie’s Maidimage of a star
Benedict, Marie Her Hidden Genius
Benedict, Marie The Only Woman in the Roomimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Benedict, Marie The Other Einsteinimage of a star
Benedict, Marie The Personal Librarianimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Ben-Ghiat, Ruth Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present NF
Bennett, Alan The Uncommon Reader
Bennett, Brit The Vanishing Halfimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Berlin, Lucia Evening in Paradise
Berney, Louis November Road
Berry, Wendell Hannah Coulter
Bhattacharya, Rinku The Bengali Five Spice Chronicles NF
Bhattacharya, Rinku Instant Indian NF
Bhattacharya, Rinku Spices & Seasons NF
Blake, Sarah The Guest Book
Blake, Sarah The Postmistress
Blanco, Richard The Prince of Los Cocuyos NFimage of a star
Blitzer, Jonathan Everyone Who is Gone is Here NF
Blum, Deborah The Poisoner’s Handbook NF
Bowen, Rhys The Venice Sketchbook
Boyd, Natasha The Indigo Girlimage of a star
Boylan, Jennifer Finney She’s Not There NFimage of a star
Boyne, John The Heart’s Invisible Furiesimage of a star
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451image of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Bradley, James Flyboys NF
Bradley, Kimberly Jefferson’s Sons juv
Braithwaite, Oyinkan My Sister, the Serial Killer
Bren, Paulina The Barbizon: The Hotel That Set Women Free NF
Bringley, Patrick All the Beauty in the World NF
Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyreimage of a starimage of a star
Brooks, Geraldine Horseimage of a star
Browder, Bill Red Notice NFimage of a starimage of a star
Bruni, Frank Beauty of Duskimage of a starNF
Bryson, Bill At Home NFimage of a star
Burke, Tarana Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement NF
Burnett, Frances The Secret Garden
Butler, Octavia Parable of the Sower
Carmon, Irin Notorious RBG NF
Carreyrou, John Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley StartupNFimage of a star
Campbell, Matthew Dead in the Water NF
Cather, Willa Death Comes for the Archbishopimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Cather, Willa My Antonia
Cather, Willa O, Pioneers! image of a star
Chan, Jessamine The School for Good Mothers
Chang, Jung Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China NFimage of a starimage of a star
Chapman, Gary The 5 Love Languages NF
Chapman, Gary Five Love Languages of Children NF
Cheever, Susan Drinking in America NF
Chekhov, Anton Collected Short Novels
Chevalier, Tracy Girl with a Pearl Earringimage of a starimage of a star
Childers, Erskine The Riddle of the Sands
Christie, Agatha Murder on the Orient Expressimage of a star
Clark, Liz Swell NF
Cleeton, Chantel The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba
Clinch, Jon Marley
Coates, Ta-Nehisi Between the World and Meimage of a starimage of a star
Coates, Ta-Nehisi The Water Dancer
Cooper, Anderson Astor: The Rise and Fall of an American Fortune NF
Cooper, Anderson Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty NF
Cronin, Marianne 100 Years of Lenni and Margot
Cummins, Jeanine American Dirt
D through F Back to top
Daley, David Unrigged NF
Dare, Abi The Girl with the Louding Voiceimage of a star
Davis, Fiona The Magnolia Palace
De Waal, Edmund The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Family’s Century of Art and Loss NF
Delillo, Don White Noise
Deravian, Naz Bottom of the Pot NF
Diaz, Hernan Trustimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Didion, Joan The White Album NF
Doctorow, E.L. Ragtimeimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Doerr, Anthony All the Light We Cannot Seeimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Doerr, Anthony Cloud Cuckoo Land
Doyle, Arthur Sherlock Holmes
Dray, Stephanie America’s First Daughter
Dray, Stephanie The Women of Chateau Lafayette
DuBois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk NF
Dugoni, Robert The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell
Duhigg, Charles The Power of Habit NF
Durrell, Lawrence Justineimage of a star
Edwards, Shaunna The Thread Collectorsimage of a star
Egan, Jennifer Manhattan Beachimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Egan, Jennifer A Visit From the Goon Squadimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Eggers, Dave The Monk of Mokha NF
Ehrenreich, Barbara Nickel and Dimed NFimage of a starimage of a star
Eliot, George Middlemarchimage of a star
Ellis, Bret Easton The Shards
Emezi, Akwaeke The Death of Vivek Oji
Enright, Anne The Gatheringimage of a starimage of a star
Ephron, Delia Left on Tenth NF
Erdrich, Louise The Night Watchman
Erdrich, Louise The Round Houseimage of a star
Erdrich, Louise The Sentence
Erlick, Nikki The Measureimage of a starimage of a star
Ernaux, Annie The Years NFimage of a star
Erpenbeck, Jenny Go, Went Gone
Estes, Kelli The Girl Who Wrote in Silk
Eugenides, Jeffrey Fresh Complaint
Eustace, Nichole Covered With Night: A Story of Murder and Indigenous Justice in Early America NF
Evison, Jonathan Lawn Boy
Fadiman, Anne The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down NF
Fagone, Jason The Woman Who Smashed Codes NFimage of a star
Fajardo-Anstine, Kali Sabrina & Corina
Farrow, Ronan Catch and Kill NF
Felch, Jason Chasing Aphrodite NF
Fergus, Jim One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd
Ferrante, Elena My Brilliant Friendimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Finkle, Michael The Art Thief NF
Fishman, Boris Savage Feast NF
Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Great Gatsbyimage of a starimage of a star
Ford, Jamie Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweetimage of a starimage of a star
Forna, Aminatta Happiness
Forster, E.M. A Room With a View
Fossey, Dian Gorillas in the Mist NF
Fowles, John The Magus Revised
Frank, Jeffrey The Trials of Harry Truman NF
Frankel, Laurie This is How It Always Isimage of a starimage of a star
Franklin, Emily The Lioness of Boston
Franqui, Leah America for Beginners
Fredston, Jill Rowing to Latitude NF
Freudenberger, Nell Lost and Wanted
Friedland, Elyssa Last Summer at the Golden Hotel
Friedman, Max Painful Joy NF
Frost, Mark The Greatest Game Ever Played NF
G through I Back to top
Gad, Marra B. The Color of Love: A Story of a Mixed-Race Jewish Girl NF
Galgut, Damon The Promise
Gallico, Paul Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Gamble, Terry Eulogist
Garmus, Bonnie Lessons in Chemistryimage of a starimage of a star
Garrett, Natalie Eve Eat Joy NF
Garrison, Paul The Ripple Effect
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader My Own Words NF
Gladwell, Malcolm Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know NF
Glaser, Gabrielle American Baby NF
Golding, William Lord of the Flies
Goldman, William Adventures in the Screen Trade NF
Gonzales, Laurence Deep Survival NF
Gonzalez, Xochitl Olga Dies Dreaming
Goodwin, Doris Kearns Team of Rivals NF
Goodwin, Doris Kearns An Unfinished Love Story NF
Gordon, Mary There Your Heart Lies
Gordon-Reed, Annette On Juneteenth NF
Graeber, Charles The Good Nurse NF
Grann, David Killers of the Flower Moonimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Graver, Elizabeth Kantika
Greer, Andrew Sean Lessimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Grisham, John The Innocent Manimage of a starimage of a star
Groff, Lauren Matrix
Groff, Lauren The Monsters of Templeton
Gross, Andrew Button Man
Gross, Max The Lost Shtetl
Gross, Neil Walk the Walk NF
Guinn, Jeff The Road to Jonestown NF
Gurnah, Abdulrazak Afterlives
Gwin, Minrose Promise
Haig, Alexander Inner Circles NF
Haig, Matt The Humans
Haig, Matt The Midnight Libraryimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hamid, Mohisin Exit Westimage of a starimage of a star
Hamill, Pete Forever
Hanff, Helene 84, Charing Cross Road NF
Hannah, Kristin The Four Windsimage of a starimage of a star
Hannah, Kristin The Great Aloneimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hansberry, Lorraine A Raisin in the Sunimage of a star
Harari, Yuval 21 Lessons for the 21st Century NF
Harding, Paul This Other Eden
Harmel, Kristin The Book of Lost Names
Harmon, Amy What the Wind Knows
Harper, Jane The Dry
Harris, Nathan The Sweetness of Water
Harris, Robert Act of Oblivion
Harrison, Robert Pogue Forests: The Shadow of Civilization NF
Hartnett, Annie Unlikely Animals
Heinlein, Robert Starship Troopers
Heinlein, Robert Stranger in a Strange Land
Helprin, Mark Paris in the Present Tenseimage of a star
Hemingway, Ernest A Farewell to Arms
Herbert, Frank Dune
Herr, Michael Dispatches NF
Highsmith, Patricia The Talented Mr. Ripley
Hilderbrand, Elin The Hotel Nantucket
Hill, Nathan The Nix
Hoffman, Alice The Dovekeepers
Hoffman, Alice The Marriage of Oppositesimage of a star
Holes, Paul Unmasked: My Life Solving America’s Cold Cases NF
Holiday, Ryan Trust Me, I’m Lying NF
Holsinger, Bruce The Gifted School
Homer The Odyssey
Honeyman, Gail Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fineimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Hood, Ann Kitchen Yarns NF
Hoover, Colleen It Ends With Us
Horowitz, Anthony Magpie Murders
Houellebecq, Michel Submission
House, Silas Southernmost
Hoving, Thomas Making the Mummies Dance NF
Humes, Edward The Forever Witness NF
Ishiguro, Kazuo Klara and the Sunimage of a starimage of a star
Ishiguro, Kazuo Never Let Me Go
Isaacson, Walter Benjamin FranklinNFimage of a star
J through L Back to top
Jackson, Shirley The Haunting of Hill Houseimage of a star
James, Henry Daisy Miller
James, Henry Washington Square
James, P.D. Death Comes to Pemberleyimage of a starimage of a star
Jaouad, Suleika Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted NF
Jenner, Natalie The Jane Austen Society
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer Heat and Dust
Johnson, Victoria American Eden NF
Jones, Diana Wynne Howl’s Moving Castle
Jones, Tayari An American Marriageimage of a star
Johnson, Kirk The Feather Thief NF
Joshi, Alka The Henna Artistimage of a star
Joyce, Rachel Miss Benson’s Beetle
Junger, Sebastian The Perfect Storm NF
Juster, Norton The Phantom Tollbooth JUVimage of a star
Kadare, Ismail The Three-Arched Bridge
Kadish, Rachel The Weight of Ink
Katz, Catherine Daughters of Yalta
Kawaguchi, Toshikazu Before the Coffee Gets Cold
Kawakami, Mieko All the Lovers in the Night
Keane, Mary Beth Ask Again, Yesimage of a star
Keane, Mary Beth Feverimage of a star
Keefe, Patrick Radden Empire of Pain NF
Keefe, Patrick Radden Rogues NF
Keefe, Patrick Radden Say Nothing NFimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Keegan, Claire Small Things Like Theseimage of a star
Kelly, Julia The Lost English Girl
Kelly, Martha Hall Lilac Girlsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Kennedy, Kostya True: The Four Seasons of Jackie Robinson NF
Kiernan, Denise The Girls of Atomic City NFimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Kim, Angie Happiness Falls
King, Gilbert Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the dawn of a new America NF
King, Stephen Different Seasonsimage of a star
King, Stephen On Writing NF
Kingsolver, Barbara Demon Copperhead
Kingsolver, Barbara Unsheltered
Kitamura, Katie Intimacies
Klein, Naomi Doppelganger NF
Ko, Lisa The Leaversimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Kolker, Robert Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery NF
Korelitz, Jean Hanff The Plotimage of a star
Krueger, William Kent This Tender Landimage of a star
Kuang, R.F. Yellowfaceimage of a star
Kumar, Amitava Immigrant Montana
Kushner, Rachel The Mars Room
Laestadius, Ann-Helen Stolenimage of a star
Lahiri, Jhumpa Interpreter of Maladiesimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Lalami, Laila The Other Americans
Land, Stephanie Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive NF
Larsen, Nella Passing
Larson, Erik The Devil in the White City NFimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Larson, Erik The Splendid and the VileNFimage of a star
Leary, Ann The Foundling
Le Carré, John Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Lecoat, Jenny The Girl from the Channel Islands
Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird
Lee, Min Jin The Best American Short Stories 2023
Lee, Min Jin Pachinkoimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Lee, Stacey The Downstairs Girl YA
Lefteri, Christy The Beekeeper of Aleppo
Le Guin, Ursula The Left Hand of Darkness
Lehane, Dennis Small Mercies
Lepore, Jill If Then NF
Lepore, Jill The Secret History of Wonder Woman NF
Lessing, Doris The Fifth Childimage of a starimage of a star
Lester, Natasha The Paris Seamstress
Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity NF
Lewis, Michael The Premonition NFimage of a starimage of a star
Lightman, Alan Reunion
Lin, Chia-Chia The Unpassing
Lin-Liu, Jen On the Noodle Road NF
Liu, Cinin Three Body Problemimage of a star
Lively, Penelope Family Albumimage of a star
Locke, Attica Bluebird, Bluebirdimage of a star
Loewen, James W. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong NF
Lowry, Lois The Giver
M through O Back to top
Macdonald, Helen H Is for Hawk NF
Makkai, Rebecca The Great Believers
Malkin, Peter Z. Eichmann in My Hands NF
Mandanna, Sangu The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches
Mann, Thomas Death in Veniceimage of a star
Mason, Daniel North Woods
Mason, Daniel The Winter Soldier
Masood, Syed The Bad Muslim Discount
Massie, Robert Catherine the Great NF
Matar, Hisham My Friends
Matthews, Jason Red Sparrow
Maugham, W. Somerset The Painted Veilimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Maxwell, William They Came Like Swallows
Mayes, Frances Women in Sunlight
Maynard, Joyce Labor Day
Mbue, Imbolo Behold the Dreamersimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Mbue, Imbolo How Beautiful We Were
McCarthy, Cormac Suttree
McConaghy, Charlotte Once There Were Wolves
McConaughey, Matthew Greenlights NF
McCullough, David John Adamsimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
McCullough, David The Johnstown FloodNFimage of a starimage of a star
McCullough, David The Pioneers NF
McDermott, Alice Someone
McEwan, Ian The Children Actimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
McGrath, Ben Riverman: An American Odyssey NF
McLain, Paula Circling the Sunimage of a star
McNamara, Michelle I’ll Be Gone in the Dark NFimage of a star
McQuiston, Casey Red, White & Royal Blue
Meissner, Susan The Nature of Fragile Things
Meltzer, Brad The First Conspiracy NF
Merritt, Tyler I Take My Coffee Black NF
Meyer, Philipp American Rust
Michaelides, Alex The Silent Patient
Millard, Candace Destiny of the RepublicNFimage of a star
Miller, Madeline Circeimage of a star
Miller, Madeline The Song of Achilles
Mirza, Fatima Farheen A Place for Usimage of a starimage of a star
Moehringer, J.R. The Tender BarNFimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Monroe, Rachel Savage AppetitesNF
Montgomery, Sy The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness NF
Montillo, Roseanne Deliberate Cruelty NF
Moore, Graham The Last Days of Nightimage of a star
Moore, Kate The Woman They Could Not Silence NF
Morain, Dan Kamala’s Way: An American Life NF
Morelli, Laura The Stolen Lady
Moriarty, Liane What Alice Forgot
Morris, Heather The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Morris, Mary Gateway to the Moon
Morrison, Toni The Origin of Others NF
Morrison, Toni Song of Solomonimage of a star
Mosley, Walter The Man in My Basement
Munro, Alice Runaway: Storiesimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Murphy, Dallas Rounding the Horn NF
Napoli, Lisa Susan, Linda, Nina, & Cokie NF
Napolitano, Ann Dear Edward
Navin, Rhiannon Only Child
Newman, Paul The Extraordinary Life of and Ordinary Man NF
Ng, Celeste Little Fires Everywhereimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Nguyen, Viet Thanh The Sympathizerimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Nichols, Peter A Voyage for Madmen NF
Noah, Trevor Born a Crime NFimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Norton, Graham Home Stretch
Nunez, Sigrid The Friend
O’Brien, Tim The Things They Carried
O’Connor, Flannery The Complete Stories
O’Connor, Joseph Star of the Sea
O’Faolain, Nuala My Dream of Youimage of a star
O’Farrell, Maggie Hamnet: A Novel of the Plagueimage of a star
O’Farrell, Maggie The Marriage Portraitimage of a starimage of a star
O’Farrell, Maggie The Marriage Portraitimage of a star
Olson, Lynn Last Hope Island NF
O’Nan, Stewart Last Night at the Lobsterimage of a star
Ondaatje, Michael Warlightimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Onwuachi, Kwame Notes From a Young Black Chef NF
Orange, Tommy There Thereimage of a starimage of a star
Orlean, Susan The Library Book NFimage of a star
Owens, Delia Where the Crawdads Singimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Oz, Amos Between Friends
Oz, Amos Judas
Ozeki, Ruth A Tale for the Time Beingimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
P through R Back to top
Pamuk, Orhan The Museum of Innocence
Pataki, Allison The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Postimage of a star
Patchett, Ann Bel Cantoimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Patchett, Ann Commonwealthimage of a star
Patchett, Ann The Dutch House
Patchett, Ann State of Wonderimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Parssinen, Kaija The Ruins of Us
Perkins, Valdez Take My Hand
Perry, Imani South to AmericaNF
Perry, Mark Partners in Command NF
Philipps, David Alpha: Eddie Gallagher and the War for the Soul of the Navy Seals NF
Phillips, Julia Disappearing Earthimage of a starimage of a star
Pilcher, Rosamund The Shell Seekers
Pirandello, Luigi Six Characters in Search of an Author
Pollan, Michael How to Change Your Mind NF
Powers, J.F. Morte d’Urban
Powers, Richard The Overstoryimage of a star
Prose, Francine The Vixen
Qaderi, Homeira Dancing in the Mosque NF
Quindlen, Anna Alternate Side
Quinn, Kate The Alice Networkimage of a starimage of a star
Ragen, Naomi The Devil in Jerusalem
Raffel, Dawn The Strange Case of Dr. Couney NF
Rappaport, Elliot Reading the Glass NF
Raybourn, Deanna Killers of a Certain Age
Reid, Taylor Jenkins One True Loves
Reid, Taylor Jenkins The Seven Husbands pf Evelyn Hugoimage of a star
Rekulak, Jason Hidden Pictures
Richard, Laurent Pegasus NF
Richardson, Kim Michele The Book Woman of Troublesome Creekimage of a star
Robertson, Cara The Trial of Lizzie Borden NF
Robinson, Roxana Leaving
Robison, Mary Why Did I Ever?
Ronson, Jon So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed NF
Rooney, Kathleen Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walkimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Rooney, Sally Normal Peopleimage of a star
Roper, Richard How to Not Die Alone
Rushdie, Salman The Enchantress of Florence
Russell, Jan Jarboe The Train to Crystal City NF
S through U Back to top
Salama, Jordan Every Day the River Changes NF
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye
Samin, Nosrat Salt, Fat, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking NF
Sancton, Julian Madhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica’s Journey Into the Dark Antarctic Night NF
Saramago, José Blindness
Saslow, Eli Rising Out of Hatred
Saunders, George Lincoln in the Bardoimage of a starimage of a star
Schaap, Rosie Drinking With Men NF
Scheier, Liz Never Simple NF
Schiff, Stacy The Revolutionary Samuel Adams NF
Schine, Cathleen They May Not Mean to, But They Doimage of a star
Schwab, Victoria The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
See, Lisa The Island of the Sea Women image of a starimage of a star
See, Lisa Snow Flower and the Secret Fanimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
See, Lisa The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Laneimage of a star
Selby, Scott Andrew Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History NF image of a star
Sentilles, Sarah Stranger Care: A Memoir of Loving What Isn’t Ours NF
Sepetys, Ruta I Must Betray You
Serle, Rebecca One Italian Summer
Shaara, Michael Killer Angels
Shafia, Louisa The New Persian Kitchen NF
Shamsie, Kamila Home Fire
Shapiro, Dani Inheritance NFimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Shapiro, Dani Signal Fires
Sharma, Ruchir What Went Wrong with Capitalism NF
Shroff Parini The Bandit Queens
Silver, Josie One Night on the Island
Simmons, Ruth Up Home NF
Sinclair, Safiya How to Say Babylon NF
Sittenfeld, Curtis Romantic Comedy
Skloot, Rebecca The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacksimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Slocum, Joshua Sailing Alone Around the World NF
Slocumb, Brendan Symphony of Secrets
Slocumb, Brendan THe Violin Conspiracy
Smith, Ali How to Be Both
Smith, Betty A Tree Grows in Brooklynimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Smith, Dominic The Last Painting of Sara de Vos
Smith, Patti Just Kids NFimage of a starimage of a star
Smith, Zadie Grand Union
Sobel, Dava Longitudeimage of a starimage of a star
Solomon, Rachel Lynn Today Tonight Tomorrow
Standage, Tom A History of the World in 6 Glasses NFimage of a star
Stedman, M.L. The Light Between Oceansimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
image of a star
Stegner, Wallace Angle of Reposeimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Stegner, Wallace Spectator Birdimage of a star
Steinmetz, Greg American Rascal: How Jay Gould Built Wall Street’s Biggest Fortune NF
Stevens, Stuart The Conspiracy to End America NF
Stevenson, Bryan Just Mercy NFimage of a starimage of a star
Stevenson, Robert Lewis The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Stone, Nic Dear Martin
Straub, Emma All Adults Here
Strout, Elizabeth My Name is Lucy Bartonimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Strout, Elizabeth Oh, William!
Stuart, Douglas Shuggie Bain
Sullivan, Mark Beneath the Scarlet Sky
Taddeo, Lisa Three Women NF
Tan, Twan Eng The Garden of Evening Mists
Tartt, Donna The Secret Historyimage of a starimage of a star
Tharp, Twyla The Creative Habit NF
Thomas, Angie The Hate U Give
Thompson, Christina Sea People NF
Tokarczuk, Olga Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead
Tolstoy, Leo Hadji Murad
Toews, Miriam Fight Night
Toews, Miriam Women Talking
Toole, John Kennedy A Confederacy of Dunces
Totenberg, Nina Dinners with Ruth NF
Towles, Amor A Gentleman in Moscowimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Towles, Amor The Lincoln Highway
Towles, Amor Rules of Civilityimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Tucci, Stanley Taste: My Life Through Foodimage of a star
Turgenev, Ivan Fathers and Sonsimage of a star
Turner, Tina My Love Story NF
Twain, Mark The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnimage of a starimage of a starimage of a star
Twain, Mark Pudd’nhead Wilson
Tyler, Anne French Braidimage of a star
Urrea, Luis Alberto The House of Broken Angeles
V through Z Back to top
Vanderbilt, Tom Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) NF
Van Pelt, Shelby Remarkably Bright Creatures
Vargas, Jose Dear America: Notes of An Undocumented Citizen NFimage of a star
Vargas Llosa, Mario The Feast of the Goat
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Villarosa, Linda Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives and the Health of a Nation NF
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Zevin, Gabrielle Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Zevin, Gabrielle Young Jane Young
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