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“Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend.”
William Feather

Although you might be unfamiliar with the term Reader’s Advisory, it happens to be one of the most fundamental aspects of all our library services.

So what is Reader’s Advisory?

Well, there’s a good chance that at some point in your time as a reader, you’ve finished an incredible book and wanted more. More of that particular book. You want to read another book just like that book, perhaps with a similar storyline or main character. Maybe you just finished the first book in a series and want to know which comes next. Or maybe you just want to know what everyone else is reading.

We get it! Our librarians want to help you find your next book and we have some great resources (listed below) to help you get started. Of course, if you really want to ‘talk books,’ your best bet is to chat with one of us either in person at the Information Desk, by phone at (914) 834-2281, ext. #3 or by email at

Start with our website

The Catalog

Did you know….

  • When you search for a title in the catalog, after clicking on it, you can scroll down the page to where it says ‘More Like This’ and find a list of like-minded books either written by the same author or similar in style and topic.

You will also see ‘tags’ listed for a book. For example, if you search the catalog for Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid, you’ll see the book has a ‘tag’ for ‘Family Secrets.’ If you click on that tag, you will see a list of other titles which are similar in subject matter.

Additional Resources from The Library

Take advantage of the Larchmont Library’s FREE online access to one of the leading book discovery publications put out by the American Library Association.

If you enjoy perusing the NYT Book Review each week but don’t want to pay for the subscription, look no further than the Larchmont Library! We offer FREE access to the New York Times thanks to our Friends of the Library who have graciously sponsored this incredible resource. Click on the link above and follow the directions listed. Please note that this free access does not include the puzzles or cooking section.

A list of books the Library has recently ordered for our collection. These orders range from Adult Fiction and Non Fiction to Graphic Novels (both adult and YA) to Sci-Fi, Mystery and Fantasy.

A list of books with the largest number of holds on them at the Library.

A comprehensive list of all of the books which various Book Clubs within Larchmont (both independently run and librarian-run) have selected for their group to read spanning back to 2002!

Other Useful Websites



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