For information on how to donate to the Friends of the Larchmont Public Library and/or the Library itself, please see the Donations and Pledges page (in the “About” menu).
Q – I have some books I’d like to donate to the Library. Do you accept donations?
A – We do not accept donations of Teen and Adult Books. The Children’s Room does accept donations of lightly used children’s books.
Q – Why not?
A – Our space is limited and we do not have sufficient office space to process donations.
Q – So what should I do with my books?
A – Here’s a small list of local organizations that do accept donations… we think. Please keep in mind that circumstances are always changing, so we encourage you to call ahead before you make a trip.
- The Mount Vernon Public Library– accepts donations; no encyclopedias.
- The Yonkers Public Library, Riverfront Branch- accepts one box or bag of books at a time. Books must be in excellent condition.
- Friends of the New Rochelle Public Library – one small box or bag in the collection box in the Main Library building’s Lobby during business hours.
- The Vietnam Veterans of America- you can call them by phone at 1-800-775- VETS (8387) to schedule a pickup. You can also visit their website to schedule a pickup in Westchester:
If you know of some other organizations which should be added to the list, please email Librarian Paul Doherty at
Q – So you absolutely will never take any books under any circumstances?
A – We are flexible on this- if you have a fresh copy of a current bestseller, we’ll be glad to take it. The reason for this exception is so that if a current bestseller has hundreds of holds on it, we can cut down on the wait time for our patrons if we have multiple copies.
Q – I have stacks of currency (unsorted), bonds, stock certificates and sundry ingots. Would the Library be interested in these items? They aren’t books.
A – Contact our Library Director, Andrew Farber,, 914-834-2281 x115, immediately.
Q – Anything else?
A – We also accept donations of some items of local interest, such as a Mahiscan (the Mamaroneck High School yearbook) that fills a gap in our collection (i.e. 1935 and before, 1939–1943, 1945–48, 1950–51, 1955, 1957, 1962, 1964, 1971, 1978–81, 1988–1993, 1992-1993, 1996, 2023).
Q – Is there some sort of formal policy that governs all this?
A – There sure is. See our Gift and Naming Policy page.