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Donations and Pledges

Donate to the Friends of the Larchmont Public Library

The Friends works in partnership with the Library’s team to bring relevant and inspired content to our patrons by sponsoring book discussions with popular authors, concerts, underwriting Library programming and purchasing downloadable materials and other equipment the Library needs, to name just some of the things the Friends make possible. Learn more here: Friends of the Larchmont Public Library.

The Friends of the Larchmont Public Library is a 501c3 non-profit organization. If you have any questions, please email us at: We appreciate your interest.

Donate here.


Donate to the Library

The Larchmont Public Library welcomes and encourages monetary gifts, bequests, endowment funds, and gifts of property or materials from individuals, groups, foundations, or corporations. Naming opportunities may be offered that provide the occasion to recognize exceptional contributions to the Larchmont Public Library. Learn more here: Gift and Naming Policy.

For questions about making a donation to the Larchmont Public Library, please contact Library Director, Laura Eckley:

General Inquiries

For general inquiries about donations, please contact Library Director, Laura Eckley:

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