Q – I liked the old design. Why are you doing this to me?
A – A lot of things have changed in the nine years since our last redesign. For example, only about 15% of our patrons used their phone or tablet to look at our web page. Back then, too, our page was basically only informative. Now 50% percent of the visits are via a mobile device and people do things like reserve study rooms, request zoom links, download eBooks, etc. They don’t just look at the web page..
Q – Back End?
A – The new site changes how we handle event registrations and Tutor/ Conference Room reservations. It will require much less staff intervention and should be easier to use.
Q – Why change the room reservation system? I’ve finally figured it out.
A – The old room reservation software was just that, old. Almost every time WordPress (the backbone of our site) updated, the room reservations failed, requiring a custom fix. WordPress has a lot of security updates. Additionally, we could not customize it. For example, it required patrons to fill out a lot of information that, frankly, we didn’t want or need.
Q– How are the events different?
A– Covid didn’t exist and no one had heard of Zoom when the site was designed. Our current method of sending invitations and reminders was improvised during the early days of the pandemic. The system we devised is a multi-step, manual process with plenty of room for error. Witness the night your intrepid webmaster spent wondering why no one showed up to his Zoom book group when, in fact, he had forgotten to send out the invitations. The new system automates this and adds functions such as waiting lists. It is integrated with the room reservation system so we won’t have the Children’s Room and the Adult department scheduling things in the same place at the same time.
Q – I keep getting sent to this website, https://larchmont.librarycalendar.com/, when all I want to do is sign up for a program. Is this the right place?
A – Yes. The new system was created and is managed by an outside company, Library Market. They are pros at this sort of thing. larchmont.librarycalendar.com is the site they created for our events and room registrations.