June 12, 2013
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on June 12, 2013 at 6:30 p.m., attended by Board Chair Pamela Dubitsky (PD), Trustees Jennifer Conley (JC), Barbara Liptack (BL) and John McGarr (JM), Friends of the Library Liaisons Fred Baron (FB) and Wendy Raso (WR), Library Director Laura Eckley (LE) and Assistant Director June Hesler (JH). Trustees Lauren Gottfried, Maureen LeBlanc and Iven Taub were excused from attendance. Village Liaison Marlene Kolbert and Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Jaine Eney were unable to attend.
Board Chair Dubitsky called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. and welcomed new Trustee Barbara Liptack, a life-long resident of the Larchmont/Mamaroneck community and an active patron and supporter of the library.
Board Chair Dubitsky reported on the Larchmont Garden Club’s June 8th party dedicating the new library garden. She thanked the Garden Club for choosing the library as its centennial project and helping to create such a beautiful new garden. She also thanked the Friends of the Library for their support of the project, and landscape designer, Catherine Wachs. She noted that this project completes a year-long improvement of the front of the library which included major repairs to the façade columns and balustrade, exterior painting, relocation of the bookdrops to the interior of the building, repair of walkways, and new benches and a chess table.
The Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meeting of May 8, 2013.
Friends of the Larchmont Public Library Liaison Report
PD thanked FB for his service as the Friends Liaison and welcomed Wendy Raso as the new liaison. FB reported on the Friends annual meeting, including the Board’s approval of $6,500 for Zinio, the downloadable magazine collection, and $5,300 for the new interior bookdrop. FB also reported that the Carol Loomis program was very well attended and that the Board will consider a fall booksale and a request for a 3-D printer for teen programs.
Committee Reports
Finance and Budget Committee:
The Board approved JM to authorize bill payments over the summer. The payments will be reviewed by the Board at the September meeting.
Buildings and Grounds:
Roof: LE reported Phase A (reports, estimates, recommendations, asbestos testing, roof cuts and repairs) has been completed. Phase B (design, bid specs, contact) is well underway with the bid out by early July. The construction phase is estimated to take 4-8 weeks. JM made a motion, seconded by JC, to approve the following resolution, which the Board passed unanimously:
Resolved, that the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes (1) $15,000 from the Library Capital Fund for Library Building Maintenance (97-3) to be designated for construction management of the following capital improvement project: Roof Replacement and Repair of 1926 and 1944 sections of the Library roof, and (2) Laura Eckley, Library Director, to retain Calgi Construction for part time construction management of the project at a cost not to exceed the approved amount of $15,000.
The Board discussed the possibility of bonding for the roof project, agreeing that further information and consultation with Village and Town officials would be necessary before moving forward.
Transformation Committee: PD reported that she and LE have met with library design architects to discuss a transformation of the main library space and will obtain estimates for a master plan.
Schedule of Bills/Performance Report
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills dated 6/7/13, 6/12/13 and 6/12/13 for FY2013, and 6/12/13 for FY2014.
The Board received the Performance Report dated 5/31/13.
Director’s Report
Personnel: The Library Board unanimously approved the following hires effective June 1, 2013: Geoff Colquitt, Library Public Relations/Graphic Artist, at an annual salary of $49,829; Marcos Amigon and Sam Donovan, Seasonal Library Clerks, at an hourly rate of $10.50; and Marissa Winchowski, Library Page, at an hourly rate of $7.50.
Website: LD reported the library’s new website was launched on June 1st and that patrons and staff have been complimentary of the design and layout. LE commended Librarian Liam Hegarty for his extensive work on the website and credited him with its success. The Board thanked Liam Hegarty for his excellent work, and also thanked JC for her involvement in the project.
Children’s Room: Geoff Colquitt created a summer Children’s Room highlights brochure and is working on a welcome brochure and map of the library. Rebecca Teglas and Marca McClennon have been busy planning the Summer Reading Game which will kick off on June 21st.
Adult Services: One hundred and fifty magazines have been downloaded in the first two weeks of Zinio. Liam Hegarty will be holding general classes again on both the new webpage and online services.
Circulation: The new maximum fine of $10 went into effect on June 1st. Library staff has been using the iPad minis with Square Up to accept credit card payments.
Correspondence, Communications & Media Coverage
PD noted that the Larchmont Historical Society publication, The Larchmonter, had a picture of the library’s Manor House mural on the cover and featured an article on the murals by Jill Sarkozi.
Additional Items
LE reported that some nonmonetary changes were made on the WLS IT finance model and that PLDA will vote on potential monetary changes in the Fall.
Executive Session
The Board voted unanimously to enter into Executive Session at 8:11 p.m. The Board voted unanimously to exit Executive Session at 8:25 p.m.
JM made a motion, seconded by JC, to approve the following resolution which the Board passed unanimously:
Resolved, that in order to proceed with the replacement of leaking windows installed during the renovation of the Larchmont Public Library Childrens’ Room and the Village of Larchmont Village Center, the Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library hereby authorizes Laura Eckley, Library Director, to enter into a contract with Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger (SGH) to review and approve shop drawings and submittals, and to perform one or more water test(s) on newly installed windows, at a cost not to exceed $14,000, to be paid from the Children’s Room Renovation Fund (7240.27-1).
Board Chair Dubitsky adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be held on September 11, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
June Hesler
Assistant Director