Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
January 14, 2015
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on January 14, 2015 at 6:45 p.m., attended by Board Chair Pamela Dubitsky (PD), Trustees Jennifer Conley (JC), Lauren Gottfried (LG), Maureen LeBlanc (ML), Barbara Liptack (BL), John McGarr (JM) and Iven Taub (IT,) as well as Village Liaison Marlene Kolbert (MK), Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Abby Katz (AK), Friends of the Library Liaison Wendy Raso (WR), Library Director Laura Eckley (LE) and Assistant Director June Hesler (JH).
Board Chair Dubitsky called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m.
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meeting of December 10, 2014.
Friends of the Larchmont Public Library Liaison Report
WR reported on the upcoming programs: Watanabe concert 2/8; author Michael Roth 4/12; Spelling Bee 4/19; author Meryl Comer 5/3; and author Jacob Appel 6/7. She also reported that Brickfest will be held the weekends of 2/28 and 3/7, and noted that volunteers and sponsors are needed. LE reported that the Friends have approved money for the MOMA pass program as well as $8,000 for FY2015/16 programming; PD thanked the Friends for their generosity.
Committee Reports
Finance and Budget Committee
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills dated 1/7/15 and 1/14/15. The Board received the Performance Report dated 1/7/15.
PD reported that the Transformation Fundraising Committee has raised 45% of its $1,500,000 fundraising goal and that the lawn thermometer has been adjusted accordingly, and that two fundraising cocktail parties will be held in February. PD also reported that architect Jim Lothrop is expected to finish construction documents within the next few weeks.
Director’s Report
LE reported that Senior Clerk Bernadette McGuire retired on 12/13/14. She also reported that minimum wage will increase to $8.75 on 12/31/14, and requested salary increases, which the Board then unanimously approved, for part-time employees Veronica Berger, Lois Broderick, Christian Brunson and Michael Hartley. The Board unanimously approved hiring Yvette Gayles and Sue Eilers as seasonal help for four months at the rate of $16.60/hour. LE reported that Teen Librarian Kim Larsen’s programs have been increasing in popularity and noted in particular that her Teen DIY programs on Monday afternoons have been very well attended. She noted that LMC-TV will offer a program to encourage teens to participate in the NYS Summer Reading Program video contest. JH reported that a series of adult programs will be part of the New Year, Fresh Start series offered by the library, and that she has created a Winter Adult Reading Challenge featuring sports. LE reported that the library’s Freegle service now allows five free downloads a week, and that new online products via WLS include Flipster (emagazines, similar to Zinio), (tutorials) and Novelist (reader’s advisory).
Correspondence, Communication & Media Coverage
LE circulated a note from Bernadette McGuire thanking the Board for her retirement gift. Board members expressed their great appreciation to Bernadette for her many years of wonderful service to the community.
Board Chair Dubitsky adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be held on February 11, 2015.
Respectfully submitted,
June Hesler
Assistant Director