Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
January 8, 2020
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on December 10, 2019, attended by Library Board Chair Lauren Gottfried (LG), Board Trustees Jennifer Conley (JC), Barbara Flickinger (BF), Barbara Liptack (BL), John McGarr (JM), Linnet Tse (LT), Village of Larchmont Liaison Sarah Bauer (SB), Library Director Laura Eckley (LE), Library Head of Reference Liam Hegarty (LH) and Library Staff Assistant D J Brucciani (DB).
Board Trustee Casey Halliley (CH), Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Jeffery King (JK), Friends of the Library Liaison Celeste Sharpe (CS) were absent.
Board Chair Lauren Gottfried called the meeting to order at 6:45pm.
Board Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meeting of December 12, 2019.
Melissa Prevost (MP) represented the Friends of the Library in place of Celeste Sharpe. MP updated the Board on the success of the Friends Annual Appeal and mentioned that a $1,000 donation from the Rust Family was received which included a letter praising the Children’s Room Staff and thanking the Library for all their wonderful programs their children have attended over the past year. MP reviewed plans for the Friends Annual Mini Golf Fundraiser on 2/8-2/9 and encourage all to purchase tickets for the event. LG thanked the Friends for their work on behalf of the Library.
Committee Reports
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills and the Additional List of Bills dated 1/6/20 &1/8/20. The Board reviewed and accepted the Performance Report dated 1/7/20.
LE stated that she and members of the Finance Committee will meet with the VOL Mayor Lorraine Walsh to review a draft of the Library’s FY 20/21 budget on 1/16/20 and that the joint VOL/TOM Budget Meeting would likely be in early February.
Following discussion, JM made a motion, seconded by BF, to approve the following resolution, which the Board then passed unanimously: Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library hereby directs Village of Larchmont Treasurer Kimberly Siegrist to transfer $1,068.65 from the Ryder Brown Memorial Fund to the Library’s FY19/20 Operating Fund to cover the October 2019 purchase of the Tower Garden for the Children’s Department.
Building and Grounds
LE reported that Atlantic Westchester is scheduled to transfer the Library’s BMS software onto a new PC during the upcoming week. LE reported that roof engineer Rick Watsky had completed his roof inspection and expected his report to be received by the end of January.
LE further reported that she and members of the Board met with Jake Stone of Werner Tietjen P.E. to discuss the Library’s BMS and Fan Coil Unit Replacement Project. Following discussion, BF made a motion, seconded by LT, to approve the following resolution, which the Board then passed unanimously: Resolved, that in order to proceed with replacement of the Library’s BMS and Fan Coil Units, the Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library hereby authorizes Laura Eckley, Library Director, to enter into a contract with Werner Teitjen PE to provide contract documents and construction administration as outlined in their 1/9/2020 proposal at a cost of $31,000, to be paid from the Library’s Capital Project for BMS and FCU Replacement.
Director’s Report
At the recommendation of LE the Board unanimously approved the hire of Auriyanna Melendez as a part time Library Clerk effective 1/6/20 at an hourly rate of $14. LE reported that the Library has purchased a new Museum Pass to the New York Transit Museum and that Programming Librarian June Hesler submitted an application for a NYS Humanities Grant to fund a book discussion series in 2020.
Board Chair Gottfried adjourned the meeting at 7:25pm. The next scheduled Board Meeting will be held on February 12th, 2020 at 6:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Eckley
Library Director