Larchmont Public Library
Minutes of Meeting
Board of Trustees
November 18, 2015
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on November 18, 2015 at 6:45 p.m., attended by Board Chair Pamela Dubitsky (PD), Trustees Jennifer Conley (JC), Lauren Gottfried (LG), John McGarr (JM), and Iven Taub (IT), Village Liaison Marlene Kolbert (MK), Friends of the Larchmont Public Library liaison Sophia Bernstein (SB), Library Director Laura Eckley (LE) and Assistant Director June Hesler (JH). Trustees Maureen LeBlanc and Barbara Liptack and Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Abby Katz were excused.
Board Chair PD called the meeting to order at 6:49 p.m. PD introduced and welcomed Sophia Bernstein as the new Friends’ Liaison.
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meeting of October 14, 2015.
Friends of the Larchmont Public Library Liaison Report
SB reported that the Fall Friends’ programs were very popular with standing room only, the Friends’ annual membership appeal will be mailed in late November, and contributions to date are below this time last year likely due to an early 2014 membership appeal and contributions made to the Transformation Project rather than the Friends. SB also reported that the Friends have pledged an additional $10,000 towards the Transformation Project, making their contribution total $60,000. PD thanked the Friends for their ongoing generosity and support
Committee Reports
Finance and Budget Committee
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills dated 11/12/15 and 11/18/15. The Board received the Performance Report dated 11/12/15.
Building and Grounds
PD thanked LE for her hard work and the excellent job she has done managing preparations for the Transformation Project. LE in turn thanked JH and the entire library staff.
Windows: LE reported Titan started project to replace the windows for the Village Center and Children’s Room on 11/16 and that the first bank of windows have been removed. LE further reported that Pella and SGH were on site on 11/18 and discussed the installation with the installer. LE stated that after the initial window bank has been fully installed and the curing process is complete, the windows will be water tested.
Transformation: PD reviewed the history of the Transformation since early 2013, when the Board first started to consider a renovation, and on behalf of the entire Board and the Library staff, she thanked the Larchmont/Mamaroneck community for their enthusiastic response to and generous support of this important project to update and renew the main Library building. PD then stated that three contractors had submitted bids for the renovation, and these bids were opened on 11/2/15. She noted that the bids came in approximately 10% higher than estimated by the cost estimator retained by the Board, likely due to a recent upswing in the building market. PD, JM and LE then presented a review of the bids as well as an in-depth review of the anticipated costs of the project, emphasizing that the fundraising campaign had been extremely successful, but also noting that there are insufficient funds to renovate all three levels of the main Library building at this time (although certain minor improvements can be made to the lower level that will greatly improve that space). LE circulated a letter from architectural firm Lothrop & Associates, officially recommending one of the three bidders, MVM Construction, as the lowest responsible bidder for the project. JC made a motion, seconded by LG, to approve the following resolution, which the Board then passed unanimously:
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the “Library Board”) of the Larchmont Public Library (the “Library”) authorized the solicitation of bids for renovations of the Library building, known as the Transformation Project (the “Project”); and
WHEREAS, the Library Board duly advertised for bids for the work to be done, which included a base bid and seven alternates, and resulted in the submission of multiple bids; and
WHEREAS, in the bidding documents, the Library Board specifically reserved the right to choose all, some, or none of the alternates; and
WHEREAS, the following bids were received and read aloud on November 2, 2015:
Bidder | Base Bid | Add Alternate #1 (YA Area) |
Add Alternate #2 (Upper Level) |
Add Alternate #3 (Café, Gallery) |
Deduct Alternate #4 (Stair B) |
Add Alternate #5 (Lower Level) |
Add Alternate #6 (Carpet Lower Level) |
Add Alternate #7 (Stair A) |
MVM Construction LLC | $1,278,392 | $55,500 | $90,085 | $62,100 | -$34,000 | $110,500 | $35,000 | $35,000 |
Piazza, Inc. | $1,250,743 | $84,000 | $134,000 | $111,000 | -$64,000 | $143,000 | $44,000 | $31,000 |
All-Con Contracting | $1,387,000 | $86,800 | $256,000 | $174,000 | -$62,880 | $247,000 | $75,660 | $48,480 |
WHEREAS, the Library Board believes it is in the best interest of the Library to include Add Alternate #2 (Upper Level) in the contract at this time; and
WHEREAS, the addition of the dollar value of Add Alternate #2 to the Base Bid results in MVM Construction LLC as the lowest bidder; and
WHEREAS, the Library’s consulting Architects, Lothrop Associates LLP (“Lothrop”), reviewed the bids and bidders and by letter dated 11/17/15, recommended that the contract for the Project be awarded to MVM Construction LLC as the lowest responsible bidder; and
WHEREAS, the Library Board desires to authorize the award of the contract for the Project to MVM Construction LLC as recommended by Lothrop,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the contract for the Project is hereby awarded to MVM Construction LLC, as the lowest responsible bidder, in the Base Bid amount of $1,278,392 and Add Alternate #1 (Upper Level) bid amount of $90,085; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Chair of the Library Board of Trustees and the Library Director are authorized to execute the contract documents and take other such action as may be necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Director’s Report
LE reviewed preparations for the closure of the main library building and move to the Village Center including temporary offices, collection storage, services available in Village Center and staffing.
PD adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be held on December 9, 2015.
Respectfully submitted,
June Hesler
Assistant Director