Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
January 15, 2025
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on 1/15/25, attended by Library Board Chair Lauren Gottfried (LG), Library Trustees Jill Brennick (JB), Galit Lopatin Bordereau (GLB), Barbara Flickinger (BF), Barbara Liptack (BL), Celeste Sharpe (CS), and, Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Sabrina Fiddelman,, Friends of Larchmont Library Director Ellie Berlin (EB), Friends of the Larchmont Library President Racheal Hazan (RH), Library Director Andrew Farber, Head of Reference Paul Doherty (PD), Interm Director William Hegarty (WH), and Library Staff Assistant Janet Regan (JR). Linnet Tse (LT) and Village of Larchmont Liaison Dana Post (DP) were absent.
Library Board Chair LG called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
The Board unanimously approved the minutes for the 11/13/25 and 12/11/25 Library Board Meetings. Board LG welcomed AF, and the Board expressed how happy and excited to have AF as the new Director. The Board thanked WH for all his work during his time as Interim Director.
EB reported on their successful fundraising for 2024. They hosted a very successful program, the acapella singers from Yale. Their next program will be Pavarotti, on 2/2/25. The donor was taken out by LG, EB, and RH.
Committee Reports
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board unanimously approved the schedule of
bills and the additional list of bills dated 1/15/25.
No updates.
Otis Elevator will provide a proposal for the elevator retrofit project.
Atlantic Westchester was called for several jobs, the annual filter changes, a sensor in the director’s office was broken, and a glycol leak in the Reading room from a dissolved valve. We will have a company come to clean the carpet tiles, or we will replace them if we are not able to clean them. The Friends offered to replace the ruined books.
Andreu Remodeling came to do repairs: lights were taken off, the inner handicap button was repaired, and the banisters were repaired.
The Library is waiting for the report and camera footage from Fred Cook Inc.
The elevators were inspected, and they were all fine.
Director’s Report
Three of the Library’s computers are 10 years old and need to be replaced by WLS. I have requested an email inventory from WLS and email addresses not in use have been removed. All part-time staff now have Larchmont Public Library email addresses. Email groups are being set up to aid communication. The self-check in the children’s room is very old, and the company that made it is no longer in
business. Andrew asked Friends to purchase a new self-check machine from WLS – $1500 hardware, $1500 a year to support. The children’s room office walls don’t go to the ceiling; Andrew asked the Friends to pay to build the walls up to the ceiling. The librarian works in the program room due to noise. Children’s Librarian, Veronica Berger, resigned, and Andrew has requested the certification list to start the canvass process. Andrew will attend several events in the next few weeks: Library Advocacy Day in Albany, the Rotary Club, the Local Summit, and an interview with the LMC. Chairs reupholstered. A New Bench was installed, and a patron made the donation.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. The next scheduled Board Meeting will be held on 2/12/25 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrew Farber
Library Director