We’ve added some services. We’ve added Saturday morning curbside pickups to our roster of available times. Now we have a librarian in the building answering 834-2281 x. 3. from 9 – 5 weekdays and 9-1 Saturdays. That means we can help with curbside and we can set aside items for non-Larchmont cardholders for curbside pickup if the items are on the shelf. Librarians will continue to answer (914) 734-5362 from their homes(amended June 29). More details are available on the aptly named more details page, but here are some major points:
- If you call 834-2281, you must pick extension 3 for Adult Reference or extension 4 for the Children’s Room. We are not able to answer calls at other extensions as we have limited staff in the building.
- We have added Saturday morning pickup slots and have a librarian available by phone on Saturday mornings.
- While holds for non-Larchmont cardholders are still in limbo, we can now pull items available within the Library for curbside pickup. Your holds will eventually come through when countywide holds are restored, but for now we are happy to manually pull materials for you. Please call or email.
- If you or someone you know wants Library materials but doesn’t have the skills or inclination to use the catalog or reserve a time slot online, please call us at 834-2281 x3 and we will assist you with the process.
- If you know of someone who cannot physically come to the library for curbside pickup because they are especially vulnerable to the virus or for any other reason, email Head of Reference Liam Hegarty at whegarty@wlsmail.org or call 834-2281 x114. Calls will be answered within two business days.
- You can always find the curbside appointments page under the Books & More and the Things to do menus on any Adult webpage.