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Tutor/Meeting Room Rules

By using the rooms, you agree to abide by the following rules

  • Closing times – The Library’s closing supersedes any reservation.  Main Floor reservations must leave the Library at closing. That means meetings etc. must terminate prior to closing and not at closing.
  • All drinks must be covered
  • Absolutely no eating (this includes snacks, even that little bag of nuts carefully hidden in your backpack)
  • Reservations must be made at least 12 hours in advance. Note that Reservations are not required to use a room. The reservation guarantees availability.
  • No hogging the rooms (this is vague to allow some flexibility). If you want a room for more than two hours or for multiple days, it’s a good idea to check with Reference first.
    • We will keep track of no-shows
    • Email the library ( or call Reference (914-834-2281 x3) if you need to cancel a reservation.
  • No selling or fundraising in the spaces
  • The Library reserves the right to adjust the rules any time and without warning
  • These rules are in addition to the Library’s Code of Conduct and do not supercede them


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