The Fourth Annual Backyard Bioblitz, hosted by the Sheldrake Environmental Center, begins this Sunday on July 16th. For an entire week, teams of local citizen scientists can help develop a snapshot of Westchester County’s biodiversity by uploading photos of their finds to the iNaturalist app. Once you download the app and add your team (which could be a team of one), iNaturalist will help to identify what’s in your photo, log your location and time and then add your observation to Sheldrake’s bioblitz.
Stop by the library to check out our book displays on the lower level of Non-Fiction- there, you’ll find some helpful guides for your animal, veggie, flower, insect and fungus exploring!And if you see a gray-haired librarian on our front lawn tirelessly explaining a species of bird to a much younger (and far less gray haired) librarian please make sure to stop and say hi! That’s Liam and Caroline- they’ll be blitzing in the bushes between 12:45pm and 1pm each day during the blitz doing their part for the Library’s team, the Library Lurkers. They’ll be glad to show you how to get started.