- As of right now you will not be able to book museum passes online for any dates in 2025. This change is temporary.
- Any museum passes you want to book will have to be booked over the phone or in person by speaking to a Reference librarian at the Information Desk. Our number is (914) 834-2281, ext. #3. Please call during business hours.
- To avoid double-booking, we will not accept any email requests or phone messages.
- The same parameters will be in place for how long a patron can have a pass. For example, if you plan to visit a museum on Wednesday, you can pick up the pass starting on Tuesday and it will be due back (in person) on Thursday.
- You can book passes for up to 30 days in advance.
- See the Museum Pass FAQ’s for more information.
As many of you know, the Larchmont Library has an incredible Museum Pass Program funded by our Friends of the Library. There are a total of 15 passes which we lend out for free to all of our Larchmont Library cardholders. There has been a system in place, for reserving passes online, for many years. Starting in January, however, this online booking system will no longer be available. Unfortunately, the company we used to maintain the online booking system is permanently closing down. There is no need to panic though- we are establishing a temporary system for our patrons to continue booking museum passes. Sometime next year, we will have an online booking system back up and running. We will update our patrons every step of the way. Please contact us with any questions- we are here to help!