Around the World in 80 Books
Our Summer Reading Challenge for Adults 18 and up.
Pick up a Reading Passport at the Circulation, Reference or Children’s Room Desk. Read one book from each continent from the list in the Passport (The same list is provided here but you will also need a Reading Passport). When you’ve completed each book, bring your passport to the Reference Desk where it will be stamped and you will be given a raffle ticket. You can earn up to 8 raffle tickets (one from each geographic area in the Passport) The ticket is then entered into the drawing for one of five prizes. Winners will be selected on Tuesday, September 3rd. You do not have to be present to win.
Local Businesses Donated the Prizes
Here they are in all their glory! All five major food groups are represented (from left to right): chocolate, coffee, wine, ice cream and indian food.