*Please note that you can now COME INSIDE and pick up your holds during Browsing hours for the Adult/Teen section. This does not require an appointment and holds will be in their usual place ready for checkout. Patrons may walk-in Monday-Saturday 1pm-4:30pm. Appointments are still recommended for browsing in the Children’s Department. See our Browsing FAQ for more details.
Q – Who can use curbside?
A – Curbside is for everyone.
Q – I can’t use curbside for various reasons, how do I get books?
A – Volunteers from the Friends of the Larchmont Public Library are standing by to deliver books to Village of Larchmont/Town of Mamaroneck residents who should stay home as much as possible. Call 914-834-2281 x.3, email larchmontlibrary@wlsmail.org or email Head of Reference Liam Hegarty, whegarty@wlsmail.org, to let them know you will need this service. It would be best if you do this before you have items available. If you know of someone who might benefit from this service, please encourage them to contact us.
Q – I’m not very good with online things, am I out of luck?
A – Absolutely not. Call us Monday – Saturday from 9-5 at 914-834-2281 x.3 and we’ll get it done for you. If you know of someone who might need our help, please encourage them to contact us.
Q – Extension 3?
A – Social distancing and all that means many staff are not working at their usual place. Therefore, we are only answering calls to extension 3… well, except for the Children’s Room. If you need help getting some children’s books together, they will answer calls to 914-834-2281 x. 4 Monday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm.
Q – How does it work?
A – Place a hold on what you want. When it is ready for pickup you will get a phone call, email or text. Go to this page to schedule a pickup. Your item(s) will be in a paper bag with the name of the person who placed the hold on a table in front of the Library at the appointed time.
Q – How do I make sure the Library has the right contact information for me?
A – Visit our Contact Information FAQ. It will explain what you need to do.
Q– Is it just for books?
A – No. You can use curbside for anything that can be checked out including DVDs and Audiobooks.
Q – Can I get things from other libraries in the County?
A – Yes, if the library is open.
Q – I don’t have a Larchmont Public Library card, can I still use curbside?
A – Yes. There were restrictions in the past, but no more.
Q – Why do you have hour time slots? It looks like you put everything out at once.
A – We do put everything out at once, usually. However, if weather forces us to do curbside in the vestibule, there isn’t room to put out everything at once. In that case, your items will be put out at your scheduled hour, no earlier. Also, we are trying to avoid crowds at the curbside tables by spreading out the appointments.
Q – I’m picking up something for someone else. Should I make the appointment under my name or the name of the person who actually has the items ready for pickup?
A – Always make the appointment using the name and library card number of the person who has the items ready for pickup. The clerks preparing curbside pickups look on the Hold Shelf for the names on the appointnent. If you use email notifications, the correct name for the appointment is on the email. Otherwise, verify the name via the Online Catalog. See the Contact Information FAQ for instructions.
Q – What if I can’t make my scheduled time?
A – Call 834-2281 x.3 and we’ll put your items back “on deck.”
Q – What do I do if I miss my appointment?
A – Previously we put uncollected pickups in the return bins where they were quarantined for at least 72 hours. No more. Now we will set aside uncollected items for one week. You must make a new appointment to pick them up for a day within that week. For example, if you missed a Saturday pickup, you must make a new appointment for the following Friday or earlier. Second chance pickup appointments are not made automatically. Please continue to make every effort to meet your original curbside appointments. Preparing curbside pickup is a complicated, labor-intensive task and keeping track of second-chance pickups does not make it easier. (updated Jan. 12, 2021)
Q – Can I pick up things for someone else?
A– The appointment form allows you to schedule pickups for up to four additional people. Please fill out the form completely. Library staff needs all the information to make the process run smoothly.
Q – I saw my neighbors had something on the table when I was picking up my own stuff. Should I just grab it as a favor to them?
A – Please don’t, unless the neighbor knows you are doing so. If your neighbor arrives and doesn’t find their item, it will create problems for us all.
Q – Who do I contact if I have a problem?
A – Call the Reference Desk at 914-834-2281 x.3 if we are open or email larchmontlibrary@wlsmail.org any time.
Q – I’m right outside the Library, can’t you just run a book out to me?
A – No. But you can walk into the Adult/Teen Departments for limited browsing on Monday – Saturday from 1-4:30pm.
Q – Do I need to schedule a pick up time for each hold I have?
A – No. When you have a scheduled pickup we will give you everything we have for you even if they arrived on different days. There is a delay between a hold being triggered and a notice being sent. It is possible, therefore, you will get something at curbside before you’ve been notified that it is available.
Q – Can I return items when I pick up my holds?
A– Yes, you can. We have large bins set up in front of the building- please drop your returns into these bins. After a minimum 72 hour quarantine period (some items, magazines and DVD disks are quarantined for longer), they will be checked in. Please note that while we believe we have enough bins, we may have a temporary shortage. If you do not see a bin, please take your items home. We will not charge a fine if they are late. Also, donations will be summarily discarded.
Q– Can I pick up other things through curbside pickup?
A – Yes. We will work with you. For example, if you just moved to town, your printer is unavailable, and you need to print DMV forms and other related documents, give us a call (914-834-2281 x3) or email larchmontlibrary@wlsmail.org. We can print them for you and you can use Curbside to pick them up. Note: our public internet terminals are unavailable.
Q– How do I check my curbside pickup items out?
A – No need. Your items will already be checked out to you. Please look at the green slips inside the bag for the due dates. On rare occasions, the items may be checked out to you before the pickup date. If that creates a problem, let us know and we’ll adjust the due date.
Q– What happens if I forget my pickup time?
A – Please try to keep track of your pickup time. If you do forget, contact us at 914-834-2281 x3 Monday-Saturday 9-5 (8 pm on Thursdays) or by email at larchmontlibrary@wlsmail.org and we’ll find it. We are juggling hundreds of pickups, so it may take some time to locate yours. Also, when you make your appointment, a confirmation email should be sent to you automatically. It might be in your spam.
Q– When do I reserve a pickup time?
A – For an item on hold, wait until you get notified by phone, email or text. The catalog may indicate that an item is checked in, but things happen. Someone else may have a hold ahead of you, for example. If your account says an item is ready for pickup, go ahead and schedule.
Q – Why is this so complicated?
A – We’ve never done this before. We’re working out the details, and ask everyone to be patient. On the other hand, if there is a problem but no one tells us about it, we can’t fix it. Please tell us any concerns you might have. Emailing larchmontlibrary@wlsmail.org is best. The librarian answering phones is often very busy.
Q – Is it possible that all these rules and procedures will change?
A – Heck, yes. Check back here often. We will also post changes on our main page. Posts about Library services are archived on the Current Situation page under Tips, News.