Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
October 10, 2018
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on October 10, 2018, attended by Board Chair Pamela Dubitsky (PD), Board Trustees Jennifer Conley (JC), Barbara Flickinger (BF), Lauren Gottfried (LG), Barbara Liptack, (BL), John McGarr (JM) and Linnet Tse (LT), Village of Larchmont Liaison Sarah Bauer (SB), Friends of the Library Liaison Sophia Bernstein (SB), Library Director Laura Eckley (LE), Library Head of Reference Liam Hegarty (LH), and Library Staff Assistant D.J. Brucciani (DB). Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Jeffery King (JK) was absent.
Board Chair Dubitsky called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m.
Board Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meeting of September 12, 2018.
Friends of the Larchmont Public Library Liaison Report
SB reported that the Friends have donated $1,000 for the purchase of books in memory of former Friends Treasurer David Willey. SB further reported that at their September board meeting the Friends approved a grant to the Library of $4,550 for Children’s Room items, including new plexi-glass display boxes, new magazine shelving and new desk chairs. SB also reported that the Friends have agreed to pay for expenses related to the donation of a piano, including moving the piano to the Village Center, installation of keyboard lock, and periodic tuning and maintenance of the piano. SB announced that the Friends Mini Golf Fundraiser will be held on 2/9/19 and that the Friends Newsletter will be relaunched next month. Board Chair Dubitsky thanked the Friends for their ongoing generosity and support.
Committee Reports
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills dated 10/5/18 & 10/10/18. The Board reviewed and approved the Performance Report dated 10/5/18. LE and the Finance Committee presented the final Performance Report for FY17/18, which the Board then accepted.
PD reported that Iven Taub, a former Library Trustee, attorney and accountant, has graciously offered to represent the Library Board in its negotiations with CSEA and Library staff to renew the union contract which expires on May 31, 2019. The Board unanimously voted to approve Mr. Taub as its representative in upcoming CSEA contract negotiations.
Building and Grounds
LE announced that the Library applied for and has been awarded a $140,000 New York State Construction Grant for improvements and modifications to the building’s HVAC system. LE noted that she and PD had met with TOM Liaison Jeffery King and Mamaroneck resident Noel Judge to review recommendations for those changes made by engineering consultants, Tietjen Venegas PE. Board Chair Dubitsky thanked Mr. King and Mr. Judge for generously volunteering their time and expertise to assist the Board in reviewing these recommendations. LE also noted that a leaking HVAC pipe in the building’s lower level is being investigated to ascertain the condition of the pipe and reported that a leak in the roof of the Children’s Room roof will be repaired by Mariani Roofing at a cost of $2,100.
After discussion, and based on the recommendation of LE, the Board unanimously approved the acceptance of an anonymous donation by a community member of an upright Steinway piano. As noted in SB’s report, the Friends of the Library have agreed to fund the cost of moving and maintaining the piano.
Strategic Plan
PD thanked LE and the Board for their thorough and in-depth work over the past year on the Library’s new long range Strategic Plan. The Board unanimously approved the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan for the Larchmont Public Library and LE distributed a summary of the plan’s goals and noted that copies of the full plan will be kept on file at the Library.
Director’s Report
Based on the recommendation of LE, the Board unanimously approved the hire of part time Librarian Jennifer Friedman effective 10/17/18 at an annual rate of $34. LE reported that 1) the Westchester Library System will move to a new online catalog in early 2019 and that staff training will be extensive, 2) Children’s Librarian Linnea Moosmann returned from training at ALA’s ALSC Workshop with many ideas on how to include sensory and motor development activities into children’s storytimes and 3) Librarian Paul Doherty is working on the development of a comprehensive Volunteer Policy and Manual, including a list of procedures and job descriptions.
Board Chair Dubitsky adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be held on November 14, 2018.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Eckley
Library Director