Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
May 10, 2023
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on May 10, 2023, attended by Library Board Chair Lauren Gottfried (LG), Library Trustees Galit Lopatin Bordereau (GLB), Jill Brennick (JB), Barbara Flickinger (BF), Barbara Liptack (BL) and Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Abby Katz, Library Director Laura Eckley (LE) and Library Staff Assistant Janet Regan (JR). Library Trustees Celeste Sharpe (CS) and Linnet Tse (LT), Village of Larchmont Liaison Dana Post (DP) and Friends of Library Liaison David Dick (DD)were absent.
Board Chair Lauren Gottfried called the meeting to order at 6:50pm.
The Board unanimously approved the minutes for the 4/12/23 Library Board Meeting.
LE reported on the success of the FOL’s Spelling Bee. LG reported that the FOL held their annual meeting and approved annual grants to the Library for FY23/24.
Committee Reports
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board unanimously approved the schedule of bills dated 5/10/23 and the additional list of bills dated 5/10/23.
Following discussion BF made a motion, seconded by BL, to approve the following resolution, which the Board then passed unanimously: Resolved, that the Board of Trustees (“the Board”) of the Larchmont Public Library (the “Library”) hereby directs Village of Larchmont Treasurer James Cazzorla to fund the Library’s 2021 Capital Flood Project with $88,425.35 in FEMA funding from the Library’s Cash Account.
Following discussion BF made a motion, seconded by BL, to approve the following resolution, which the Board then passed unanimously: Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library hereby authorizes James Cazzorla,, Treasurer of the Village of Larchmont, to transfer the balance of gifts and donations from the Library’s Ryder Brown Trust Fund to the Library Fund and reflect so in the “From Trust” Library Revenue Line of the Library’s FY22/23 Operating Budget and further authorizes the closure of the Library’s Ryder Brown Trust Fund.
Director’s Report
LE updated the Board on the new overlay to the WLS online catalog which went live early in the month and on associated training programs the staff will be holding for the public. LE reported on annual spring maintenance to the building including window washing, rug cleaning and lawn sprinklers. LE reviewed statistics for usage of the Library’s new NYT online access and final statistics for the Library’s One Book, Five Towns Community Read with CURE. LE reported on the success of the Library’s April Poetry reading and seasonal music book circulation for NYSMA performances. LE further reported on upcoming plans for Summer Reading Games for all age levels.
Additional Items
LE reviewed a calendar for the Library’s upcoming Long Range Strategic Plan.
BF reported on a Library Trustee Education webinar on Director/Board Relationship which she attended.
Executive Session
The Board voted unanimously to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues at 7:35p.m. The Board voted unanimously to exit Executive Session at 7:59p.m.
The Board voted unanimously to approve management salaries for Fiscal Year 2022/23 and additional compensation for staff related to Fiscal Years 22/23 and 23/24.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm. The next scheduled Board Meeting will be held on June 14, 2023 at 6:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Eckley, Library Director