All Library materials checked out prior to June 1 were renewed through June 30th. As such, we have 5,000 items that are due TODAY, July 1st! It is fitting, therefore, to explain how we are handling returns going forward.
- Although many things are due July 1st, we will continue to check in all materials “fine free” until August 1, 2020.
- All returns should continue to be placed in the marked return bins in front of the Library.
- The bins are in front of the Library on weekdays 9 am to 4:30 pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 12:30 pm on days the Library is open. Please note, the Library will be closed Friday July 3rd and Saturday July 4th and is closed on Sundays during the summer.
- All bins, and the returned items they contain, are quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours as per advice provided by the CDC and the IMLS.
- We will back date the check in to the day the return bin was in front of the Library AND check the material in fine free. This means if you return something near its due date, it will likely show up as overdue in your account until it is checked in after the quarantine period expires. Even so, don’t worry. See the first point above.
- We do not have an unlimited number of bins and it is possible we might run out of unquarantined bin space on a particular day, please don’t pile stuff up on the walkway. If you do not see a bin, please take your items home and try another day. Don’t worry. We’ll understand. See the first point above.
- Only put library items you are returning into the bins. All “donations” will be immediately and summarily discarded.
- While you do have to make an appointment for contact free holds pickup, returns do not require one.