Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Special Meeting
December 17, 2021
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met for a Special Meeting on December 17, 2021, attended by Library Board Chair Lauren Gottfried (LG), Board Trustees Galit Lopatin Bordereau (GLB), Barbara Liptack (BL), John McGarr (JM), Celeste Sharpe (CS), and Linnet Tse (LT) and Library Director Laura Eckley (LE).
Board Chair Lauren Gottfried called the meeting to order at 10:38am
Following discussion, the Library Board voted unanimously to approve proposals by Library Interiors to replace the Lower Level shelving at a cost not to exceed $108,575.10 and Lower Level office furniture at a cost not to exceed $28,663.20, the cost of which will be covered by reimbursement from the Library’s insurance company.
Following further discussion, the Library Board voted unanimously to use their powers of emergency repairs authorization to approve a proposal by RENU to replace the Lower Level ceiling and lights at a cost not to exceed $63,800.56, the cost of which will be covered by Library Capital Funds and a NYS Library Construction Grant.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Eckley
Library Director