Larchmont Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
July 14, 2021
The Larchmont Public Library Board of Trustees met on July 14, 2021, attended by Library Board Chair Lauren Gottfried (LG), Board Trustees Barbara Flickinger (BF), Galit Lopatin Bordereau (GLB), Barbara Liptack (BL), John McGarr (JM), Celeste Sharpe (CS), and Linnet Tse (LT) Library Director Laura Eckley (LE), Library Head of Reference Liam Hegarty (LH), Librarian Paul Doherty (PD) and Staff Assistant D J Brucciani (DB). Village of Larchmont Liaison Sarah Bauer (SB), Town of Mamaroneck Liaison Jeffery King (JK), and Friends of the Library Liaison Jennifer Rabina (JR) were absent.
Board Chair Lauren Gottfried called the meeting to order at 6:45pm.
Board Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board Meetings 10/14/20, 11/10/20, 11/17/20, 11/19/20 and 12/9/20.
LE reported that the Friends are working on their annual appeal to support the Library’s purchase of EBooks, EAudios and magazines.
Committee Reports
Schedule of Bills and Performance Report: The Board reviewed and unanimously approved the Schedule of Bills dated 7/9/21 and the Additional List of Bills dated 7/13/21
Following discussion, JM made a motion, seconded by BF, to approve the following resolution, which the Board then passed unanimously: Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library hereby directs Village of Larchmont Treasurer Kimberly Gutwein to transfer $20,000 from the Library’s Unexpended Fund Balance to the Library’s Capital Projects Fund, and to fund the Library’s 2021 HVAC Project in order to pay invoices related to the HVAC Project.
After discussion, the Board unanimously approved the reinstatement of fines as amended starting 9/13/2021.
The Board unanimously approved Board Chair LG to authorize bill payments through the end of August 2021.
Building and Grounds
LE reported that the Library HVAC project was nearing completion. LE further reported that Lothrop has submitted an updated timeline for their completion of a written 5 year capital plan for the Library.
Director’s Report
LE provided an update on Library services including the success of the annual Summer Reading Game in all departments.
Additional Items
After discussion the Library Board unanimously approved the Library’s Photography and Video or Audio Recording Policy. The Board further approved an amendment to the Library Patron Code of Conduct to include the Library’s Photography and Video or Audio Recording Policy. LG thanked LT for her hard work on the policy.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm
The next scheduled Board Meeting will be held on September 9, 2021 at 6:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Eckley
Library Director