To check out items, you need to bring your library card. There are two ways you can do this. One is using a physical card and the other is using a digital card. There is an app you can download called the Westchester Library System where you can add your card digitally. Most of the time everyone has their phones so this is a great alternative if you forgot your physical card at home. If you don’t have your card or the app, we can use a photo ID to check items out to you but the preferred method is of course your library card. We don’t accept photos of the cards.
Family members can check out items for other family members as long as there is a library card involved. If someone checks out an item using their card for someone else, that person who’s hold it is, will get an email saying the hold was canceled but that’s just because the other family member checked it out on their card.
There are also three ways to check items out. You can have a circulation clerk check them out for you at the desk, you can use our self-check machine, or you can use the Westchester Library System app on your phone. What some people might not know is that a Larchmont Public Library card is valid at all Westchester County public libraries. You can pick items up and drop them off at all locations.
Some important things to know about checking things out from the library. Each item has one automatic renewal if no other patron is waiting for the item. Overdue books are 20 cents a day, Express items are 50 cents a day, Interlibrary Loans are $2.00 a day and DVDs are 50 cents a day. To pay overdue phones, we accept cash or checks. There is a way to pay for fines online through the catalog with a credit card but be warned, there is a service fee to do so. A library card will be blocked when the total fines equal to $25 or more. A blocked card means you can’t take out any more items, reserve museum passes, or use our computers until the fine is paid off.